Relevant Product: Signature Manager Exchange Edition
WARNING! The following products were discontinued on 30 September 2022:
- Exclaimer Signature Manager Outlook Edition
- Exclaimer Signature Manager Exchange Edition
The end of Support for these products is 30th September 2024.
For more information, please see the Discontinued Questions and Answers page.
You are required to amend the signature that is appending to the email messages. When you try and open the signature template to edit the following error is displayed on the screen:
ERROR: Unable to open [Template Name]. Template is currently being edited by [DOMAIN\USER] on [COMPUTER NAME]
Before you start to resolve this issue, you need to confirm if the named user is actually connected to the signature template file and locking the file.
To resolve this problem:
- Navigate to the template library folder (default C:\ProgramData\Exclaimer Ltd\Mail Disclaimers\Template Library1).
- Locate the file with a .lock extension.
- Delete or move the file from the template library directory.