Relevant Products: Signature Manager Exchange Edition | Signature Manager Outlook Edition
You want to add an additional row or column to your signature template that should only apply to an individual user, department, office location and so on.
You can easily achieve this by using a conditional field and a little bit of HTML code.
Note: It is recommended to know how to create a simple conditional field to apply the method explained below.
- Build the signature template using an HTML table with rows and columns as required.
Note: It is much easier to build the signature before setting up the conditional field. - Insert a conditional field into the table row/cell that you require to be conditional
- Setup your conditional field.
Example: - Go into the Source tab and find your conditional field.
Example: - Copy from the start of the <tr> wrapping the condition to the closing </tr> after the condition.
Example: - Open the conditional field and paste this into the condition you have just setup.
- Insert the banner/text that is required to be added here.
Example: - Click OK to all of these windows.
- Click once on the conditional field and on the right of the screen set the Interpret Markup to be True:
- Remove the code you copied from around the condition, but leave the field in the same place.
Example: - This field will now only display if the condition is met, it will then generate a new table row and cell automatically and place the banner image in.