Relevant Products: Signature Manager Exchange Edition | Signature Manager Outlook Edition
WARNING! The following products were discontinued on 30 June 2021 and are no longer available for purchase or supported:
- Exclaimer Auto Responder
- Exclaimer Email Alias Manager for Exchange
- Exclaimer Mail Archiver
For more information, please see the Discontinued Questions and Answers page.
WARNING! The following products were discontinued on 30 September 2022:
- Exclaimer Signature Manager Outlook Edition
- Exclaimer Signature Manager Exchange Edition
The end of Support for these products is 30th September 2024.
For more information, please see the Discontinued Questions and Answers page.
You want to create a vCard or Bio Link using a field from the Active Directory, but, you want the field to be hidden if it is not populated.
Custom hyperlinks (on their own) do not hide if the Text to display is different from the field used.
For example, a field on a web page will hide if the field is empty in the Active Directory. This is because both the Address and Text to display are the same and use the field itself.
But, if it is just normal text then it will not hide, as the text to display is different.
To create a vCard or Bio Link using a field from the Active Directory and to hide the field if it is not populated, you'll need to use conditional fields.
As an example, the following procedure describes the steps for an {Office} field. You can follow the same procedure for any other field (in the Active Directory):
- In the Conditional Field window, select the required field then click on the ellipsis button for further options.
- The Expandible Field Editor window is displayed.
To create a link, select the Custom Hyperlink option.
The Hyperlink window is displayed.
- From the Address drop-down, select the required field:
- In Text to display, enter the text for the selected field:
- Click OK to save the changes made and close the window.
- From the Expandable Field Editor window, you can edit the properties of the required field (such as font, style, size, colour).
If you apply styles from within the Expandable Field Editor window then you can customise the colour of the hyperlinks (rather than having the default blue for hyperlinks).
However, if you apply the styles from within the Template Editor then the colour of the hyperlinks will be the default blue.
- Click OK on each window to get back to the Template Editor. You will then see that the conditional hyperlink has been successfully created.
Also, the email reflects the changes done.
This method works well with other conditional links as well, such as custom social media links (example: LinkedIn - if you want your own custom LinkedIn 'Follow me on LinkedIn' text).