WARNING! The following products were discontinued on 30 June 2021 and are no longer available for purchase or supported:
- Exclaimer Auto Responder
- Exclaimer Email Alias Manager for Exchange
- Exclaimer Mail Archiver
For more information, please see the Discontinued Questions and Answers page.
In order to export a user's email to a PST file, you have used the following PowerShell commandlet:
Now, when you try to import this PST file into the Exclaimer Mail Archiver using Batch Importer, you notice that the Batch Importer shows the PST file as containing no folders or messages, and you are unable to import messages from that PST file.
To resolve this issue, you will need to repair the PST files.
To repair the PST files:
- Click Start to start the analysis of the PST file.
Note: The analysis process may take several minutes (or longer) to analyze the file. - When the analysis is complete, click Repair to repair the PST file.
Note: The repair process may take several minutes (or longer) to repair the file, depending on its size. - When the repair is complete, a process complete message is displayed.
You can now use the PST file with the Batch Importer.
Note: For more information see How to repair your Outlook personal folder file (.pst), by Microsoft.