Relevant Product: Signature Manager Exchange Edition
WARNING! The following products were discontinued on 30 September 2022:
- Exclaimer Signature Manager Outlook Edition
- Exclaimer Signature Manager Exchange Edition
The end of Support for these products is 30th September 2024.
For more information, please see the Discontinued Questions and Answers page.
When using Signature Manager Exchange Edition, the Sent Items Update Service only searches the Sent Items folder within the mailbox, to find items to update.
For example:
This is suitable for most scenarios, however; you may have users who save sent items to a folder other than the typical Sent Items folder.
For example, a custom folder:
The solution lies in the ExclaimerConfiguration.config file, which can be found in the configuration folder C:\ProgramData\Exclaimer Ltd\Mail Disclaimers\Config3.
This file contains the following line to enable searching the entire mailbox for sent items:
The default setting is false. If you change it to true, the Sent Items Update Service searches the entire mailbox to find a sent item (so, taking our example, the Custom Sent Items Folder would be included).
If you leave this option set to true then this increases the EWS traffic.
We advise that you follow the steps below to change the setting, let it populate and cache, and then reset back to false.
- Set the <SingSearchWholeMailbox> value to true.
- Restart the Exclaimer Signature Manager Exchange Edition, Sent Items Update Service.
- Wait for a message to be updated for each user who doesn’t use the typical Sent Items folder.
- Set the <SingSearchWholeMailbox> value back to false.
- Restart the Exclaimer Signature Manager Exchange Edition, Sent Items Update Service.
The first custom location found to contain sent items is cached in the HintCache, and will be used for subsequent searches. It will only cache one custom folder per user.
If the custom folder location changes again, simply follow the steps above to update the cached location, remember to set the value back to false.
If the custom location reverts to the typical Sent Items folder, no action needs to be taken as this will be handled automatically.