Relevant Products: Mail Disclaimers
WARNING! The following product was discontinued on 1st April 2021 and is no longer available for purchase or support:
- Mail Disclaimers
For more information, please see the Discontinued Questions and Answers page.
By default, an iPhone will always send new messages in Plain Text unless any formatting has been applied to the text.
If formatting has been applied to the text, such as making the text bold or italic, then it will send the message in HTML.
Follow these steps to set the default signature on the iPhone to bold or italic (so that all messages sent will be in HTML):
- On the iPhone tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars then scroll down to the Signature section.
- Tap Signature and then tap and hold on your current signature and tap Select All.
- Tap the > arrow and then select the B/ U button.
- As required, make the text bold or italic, then tap Mail.. at the top left of the screen to save the settings.
With these changes, any emails sent from your iPhone that include this signature will be sent in HTML. This implies that Mail Disclaimers will be able to apply the HTML version of your signature to the message.