Relevant Product: Signature Manager Office 365 Edition
WARNING! Signature Manager Office 365 Edition has reached its end of support date - Exclaimer will no longer be renewing any Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for Signature Manager Office 365 Edition.
Please contact the Exclaimer Sales team to discuss your requirements for an upgrade to Exclaimer Cloud - Signatures for Office 365.
You wish to use a dedicated, non-admin user, which is non-billable (optional) for data aggregation and updating signatures with Signature Manager Office 365 Edition.
To achieve this, you need to create a new user in the Office 365 Admin Portal; hydrate this account (by setting regional options via Office 365 OWA); run a PowerShell script to apply credentials for the new user and finally, add this user to Signature Manager Office 365 Edition. Required steps are detailed below.
Copy this script to a PowerShell ISE or Notepad window and save the file as 365Account.ps1.
Follow the steps below:
Sign-in to the Office 365 admin portal ( as the admin user (or delegated admin, in the case of a Cloud Partner).
From the left-hand menu, select Users > Active Users and create a new user. For example: ExclaimerService.
Wait for the mailbox to be created for this user. You can see this by selecting the user in the Office 365 admin centre, and watching the right-hand pane:
Once the mailbox has been set up, log on to Office 365 OWA, using the new account (i.e. ExclaimerService).
Set regional options as appropriate - this will hydrate the account.
Log off.
Run the PowerShell script (365Account.ps1) that you downloaded beforehand.
When prompted, enter credentials for an Office 365 administrator.
When requested, enter account information for the new user (that is ExclaimerService).
(Optional) Double-click the ExclaimerService account (or your equivalent) in the Office 365 Admin Center.
(Optional) Select Licenses and uncheck all licenses for this user and save changes:
Note: Steps 10 and 11 are optional. Complete these steps if you do not wish this account to use an Office 365 license; that is, to make this a non-billed user.
Open Signature Manager Office 365 Edition and navigate to the Signature Manager Office 365 Edition branch in the Exclaimer console.
Select the Settings tab and configure the Office 365 admin account to be the new user (that is, ExclaimerService). For further information on settings, click here.